Normal Range of CO = 4 – 6 L/min
If you will recall, cardiac output (CO) = (stroke volume) Ï (heart rate)
Stroke Volume = the volume of blood ejected from either ventricle during one contraction (usually we pay attention to left ventricular stroke volume.) Heart Rate = the number of ventricular contractions within one minute Thermodilution cardiac output measurements are computations of cardiac output, but the measurements are made very quickly and calculated with a computer. Normal Range of CO = 4 – 6 L/min
© Edwards Lifesciences, LLC, as reproduced by Albert, N.M. (2005). Cardiac output measurement techniques (invasive). In D.J.L.Wiegand & K.K. Carlson (Eds) AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (5th ed., p. 487). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders. |
Thermodilution cardiac output measurements require a pulmonary artery (PA) catheter and are calculated by a computerized monitoring system based on temperature changes in the heart when a cooler solution is injected into the right atrium via the proximal port of a pulmonary artery catheter.
Thermodilution cardiac output measurements ARE NOT PRESSURE RECORDINGS. Therefore, the leveling of the transducers does not affect the results. However, when cardiac output measurements are made, usually the nurse will also record all of the pressure readings for PA pressures, PAOP, CVP, and arterial blood pressures. These pressure readings require the transducers to be leveled with the patient's phlebostatic axis. Video of Bolus Thermodilution Cardiac Output Measurements
Thermodilution Curve: | |
Indications for CO measurements: |
Continuous Thermodilution Cardiac Output More modern technologies for thermodilution cardiac output allow for continuous monitoring of CO through heating of blood in the right atrium (with a thermal filament) every 30 – 60 seconds. The monitoring system shows an average cardiac output averaged from readings over the past 3 – 6 minutes. Continuous cardiac output monitoring is most reliable when the patient's core body temperature is between 30 – 40oC. Unreliable readings of continuous thermodilution cardiac output can be caused by:
Animation Video of Continuous Cardiac Output monitoring
Lithium Dilution Cardiac Output (LiDCO) Cardiac output can also be monitored via an arterial line instead of a pulmonary artery catheter. This reduces risks associated with a pulmonary artery catheter such as sepsis or fluid overload from thermodilution injections. The LiDCO system operates under an indicator dilution principle with lithium in subtherapeutic doses being administered intravenously and measured at an arterial sensor. Continuous CO readings are based on arterial waveform analysis after being calibrated with lithium injection. Recalibration is required every 4 hours to insure accuracy of cardiac output readings. Contraindicated for patients receiving lithium therapy!
©Jonas, M., Hett, D., & Morgan, J. (2002). Real time, continuous monitoring of cardiac output and oxygen delivery. International Journal of Intensive Care, 9(1), (picture)
Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) Transesophageal echocardiography is a less invasive method for monitoring cardiac output, but the equipment requires an advanced competency working with echocardiography technology. An esophageal doppler is advanced down the esophagus to the location of approximately T5-T6 vertebrae. |
(Computed Parameter) Cardiac Index (CI) = CO/BSA CO = Cardiac Output BSA = Body Surface Area (Cardiac index is a more accurate reflection of myocardial strength or contractility because it places cardiac output in the context of the patient's size and weight.) |
Albert, N.M. (2005). Cardiac output measurement techniques (invasive). In D.J.L.Wiegand & K.K. Carlson (Eds) AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (5th ed., p. 487). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders.
Headly, J.M. (2002). Invasive hemodynamic monitoring: Physiological principles and clinical applications (on-line pdf). Irvine, CA: Edwards Life Sciences.
Urden, L.D., Stacy, K.M., & Lough, M.E. (2010). Critical care nursing: Diagnosis and management (6th ed., pp. 349-354). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
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